• Local Authority Charge Under S22 HASSA Against Property

    By Guest on 22nd Jun 2020

    The LA placed a charge against the house [jointly owned by me & Father] in 2007 shortly before my Father died while I was pursuing a NHS Continuing Care case.
    If I sell the house, how much will a conveyancer charge me to discharge the charge with the LA?
    How long does this take and will it slow down any sale?
    Also I have no idea how much is owed. The LA Finance Dept. last wrote to me in 2009 -I responded I was still pursuing the claim. I have not heard further from the LA in respect of claim.
    All a bit of a mess.
    Thanks for any advice.

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 23/06/2020

    I can't answer for other conveyancers but we don't have hidden fees at Notary Express so with us it will cost you a grand total of £0, assuming it is ancillary to the work we are carrying out for you on the sale. Discharge will normally be on completion with the relevant undertaking (legal promise) given during the course of the matter by your conveyancer so it has no effect on the sale speed. You may wish to contact the LA for an updated amount owing figure, otherwise the conveyancer will do that for you too. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] with any further queries.


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