• Land Swap

    By Guest on 23rd May 2016

    Our neighbours have asked if we fancy swapping some of their garden for ours in return. Is this straight forward? Would we get a conveyancer to make the changes on a plan and if we are both happy, for them to submit the changes to the land registry? Do solicitors only get involved if there are mortgages on both properties? How much would a conveyancer charge to do the changes? It would be a like for like sq m land swap,

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 30/05/2016

    The transaction is fairly straightforward if neither of you have a mortgage. If either or both of you do then the lender(s) will need to agree and often will not. If there are lenders involved then each of you will need to be represented by a conveyancer but otherwise you could do it yourselves. Just make sure you get the plans right.

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