• Land R Egistry Said In 2005 There Was No Need For Any Details Or ID's Of Anyone

    By Guest on 17th Jul 2016

    L R say that in 2005 when my deeds were forged, they did not have to tell the owner or get ID's of anyone or their address or full name I say it must be void surely? I have to do all that to get a bus pass!

  • 10 Answers

    By Guest on 17/07/2016

    The new ID requirements were introduced on 10th November 2008 but that doesn't necessarily mean noone was liable before that. When you say your deeds were forged, what exactly happened?

  • By Guest on 19/07/2016

    Hello and thank you for replying I did not have much hope as you are part of land Registry. It is as I and my solicitor an d a Barrister agreed it is ridiculous to transfer a property or make into JOINT names without informing the original owner? It all appears to be really harsh and making me go to Court which they know I can't afford as all my money and property has been stolen off me. I am 8 2 and alone and very frail, and have listed all the faults in the forms they sent after making me wait over 2 years to see them. I had no idea of this for 9 years (sadly it was my daughter and her foreign partner who I am sure set this up)as I had been kept here against my will all that time to stop me selling and where the forgeries and claim would be discovered! That would mean that she would not get everything when I died as she had alwasys known and so this was not even needed, and as she had always lived with me at home, she would have lost a life od luxury all free for ever and then get everything anyway, and I would never have known! I was expected to have died I think, but when my husband died and then my son could g et married and buy his own house, I wanted to downsize and release some money to live on.
    SHe had moved her partner in my house and the whole place was a mess so much that it was not fit to sell, but because I was entirely in their hands and they were becoming worse and worse every year and where I saw or spoke to no-one form one year to another and housebound, they had also wiped out all my computer email contacts so I had no-one, but the only thing I could do was to keep on being extremely nice and generous and they never paid a penny for anything in those 9 years until I had nothing left, the they stole a small bungalow my friend left me so unless the L Registry would agree to void the forged papers that are a mass of mistakes I am stuck so glad of any help They are refusing to realise the impossibility of anything else or why only some details were written down and incompletel and no address or signatures so could have been anyone Thank you

  • By Guest on 20/07/2016

    Please can y ou say what details and forms were necessary to use, fill in correctly as asked for, and how much ID would have to be asked, as I don't believe it possible without any having to be seen and confirmed, and th eir address, We took our driving license or passport when we have needed a legal formal sale etc to be dealt with. It also askes for our FULL NAMES, we all have middle names and we u se them on formal documents too, but none were shown here, and they had to be the same as on passports etc. surely?
    The Tax form, again if it is said tp be a gift and not just a way to get out of [paying stamp duty or inheritance tax etc, surely there has to be some sign of a letter or note to state this is a gift ???? or we all would just say that to avoid paying anything surely?
    So was it just an AP1 form and a TRT1 form used, but as the signatures were different so much and no addresses an dmostly not filled I at all, this seems very dangerous as in my case, and why there must be thousands of old people that have already been defrauded but the perpetrators haooy just to wait till they die, knowing it will all be theirs soon? I didn't know, and it was only that I had to sell that it was discovered, so they just stole another house instead but keeping this one as a weapon to top me selling it!

  • By Guest on 20/07/2016

    Why is nobody replying? Surely most conveyancers could tell us right a way what was needed etc?

  • By Guest on 20/07/2016

    I see I have been outlawed as expected of course!

  • By Guest on 25/07/2016


    I'm sorry for the late reply. This is a free service which we provide in our spare time (and we don't always have much of that). Other people contribute from time to time but not always. For the avoidance of doubt we are in no way connected to the Land Registry or any other government body.

    To transfer ownership of the legal title it is necessary to supply form TR1 signed by the outgoing owner together with an application form in form AP1. As I say, back in 2005 no ID1 form was needed however if a solicitor was involved with submitting the application he might be liable if he didn't take proper steps to check the validity of the signature on the transfer deed. At that time had I been instructed by your daughter I would have asked for a letter signed by you confirming you understood the nature and effect of the deed you were signing and confirming you were happy to proceed without independent legal advice which I would have recommended you obtained. I would also have asked for the original of your passport or driver's licence and some proof of address such as a bank statement or utility bill. I would have checked the signatures on the transfer deed and your letter against that on your ID. So if a lawyer was involved and these checks were not made he may have a case to answer. You can find out by obtaining from Land Registry a copy of the AP1 form - this will tell you if a lawyer submitted it.

    First and foremost though, if everything you say is correct then your daughter has committed a criminal offence and if you haven't already done so you should speak to the policy immediately.

    I'm not sure I can be of much more help but do let me know if you have anymore questions.

  • By Guest on 25/07/2016

    THank you so much, the voice of reason--- and I shall write back asap as I am not well,

  • By Guest on 27/07/2016

    Thank y ou so much for taking the time to reply to me. PLease forgive what seemed very rude, I am at odds with the Land Registry and consider their shocking behaviour to be no less than elderly abuse and bullying. I have been there before when they made our titles for the wrong plots and registered the developers land as theirs four years after they had already admitted in Court and on oath that they had never owned or lived on our land and knew that all the hundreds of our beautiful trees they destroyed along a 400 ft strip they wanted to enlarge their site and taking a painful four years to poison, they mutilate then chop down then rotavate and re-seed as if it was their lawns! That took me 7 years as we had no access and they had not one measurement on any side, yet MY FRICS had to write letter to say that he had obeyed and measured our land to 10mm accuracy!
    They all had perfect deeds on that side and the same firm of Solicitors had been used for all 10
    plots since 1921 and all written Mmts on every side of every plot. That firm were warned not to use the O/S unsurveyed plan as boundaries as woodland can be shown on one side or the other I or even in the middle, but we had all lived happily for 80 years as fenced off. NB Twelve years earlier and before some of us came here, we discovered too late and the Council had not warned us or shown on the searches, that they same people and developer had tried to BUY that same land of ours to extend their site, but refused of course completely. Yet the same people were sending in and applying for the same site permission 12 years later hoping we did not know! I have the plans that were refused on paper and all recorded by the Council, but I was told it was a civil matter and refused to read or look at all the proff. reports and plans, photos and aerial photos going back to 1930's from the RAF The rest of this sad story is beyond belief, my MP knows all about it too.
    Back to this case, L. Registry are getting their own back on me pointing out that it is perjury to register land, you have been told and was admitted on oath that they had never owned any of it, using their false Mmts and the 400 ft strip of land that they agree belonged to our side! So this is my punishment-- ie to stop me getting my house back etc. and quite shocking!
    If ANY ONE of the checks you mention had been carried out--OBVIOUSLY we would have known and stopped it there and then and thrown my daughter out I expect! Everything that you say seems very basic and usual today to get anything, common sense alone stands out as a minimum. THis is very expensive house and we have always used a solicitor and as my husband had died I needed to downsize, I do not need a mortgage and paid cash as usual, but my son had taken out a small loan and had paid it off and had to get the transfer form TR1 to shoe that it was paid off and to give to my solicitor ready for the sale, to show the loan was [paid off and no hold on the property any more, and that his name needed to be changed to mine on the title. We had buyers ready so no need to change the transfer to me legally as it was all to be changed anyway very soon. THis same thing happened several years ago with the previous house, and no problem except my son was present and it was done at the solicitors office. THis was months out of date and had not been witnessed apart from a friend who witnessed that it had already been signed, as I thought for safety reasons, but was to remain in my drawer with all the other papers ready for selling this house. THe idea that my daughter and partner were going to sign it after us and take or send it to th el Registry was just silly and pointless as it was being sold and they had no right at all to it apart from what was in my Will. L Registry did not tell me, or ask for anything where I could have stopped it then, and it was only in 2014 that I discovered they had forged my sons and my name on the AP1 form and the Tax form saying it was a gift! It was all printed an d the signatures were NOT the same as on the TR1 and like 5 yrs old the same writing for both our names! but the printing was very good. I was made to wait over 2 years to get sight of these papers an djust thought the TR1 was what thye used, I got the AP1 an dth Tax form I March this year which I had no idea was used, knew at once they were forgeries and rang action fraud, the Police sent a PC but after talking o the L Registry, she just said she didn't forge them and we all sat down and filled them in together signed and had the witnessed all on the same day! My son had signed it ready and left it with me months before and was travelling all over the world, and I signed it and later asked my friend to witness that we had signed it, Then my daughter said she should be on in case I died, so she could come back and look after our dogs etc., As I was in a wheelchair and dependant totally on her helping me pack up, sell and move house, I said there was no need to put her on as it wasn't going anywhere and to stay ready here, but as she was quite firm saying that she had to be included or she may not be able to come back----I should have noted that as so harsh and unlike her---- I said that I could just print our names on the front so she would feel more secure if anything happened to me, but I said it was no use as it was but she could sign the back and give it to our solicitor and use my Will if I died but otherwise not to touch it and we all laughed. How could I have imagined what they intended doing and continued living with and using my money for another 9 years refusing to allow me to sell as this would show the forgery 9 years earlier? THe fact that the signatures on the TR 1 were correct, but the others were like 5 yr olds and the same, and only my address for all three It shows that in 2005, on the TR1 -----my son "transferred this house to me and my daughter, although it was only the paper title---he had never owned it ,as I had bought it with cash in 2002, we had never seen her signature till 11year later! but on the AP1 and the Tax form, he was gifting it to me and my daughter for no money!!!!, As it was already mine from 2002 it was not his to gift to anyone! The date on the front of the TR1 is stated to have to be the final date when all finished and signed by a solicitor or conveyancer, but this one had the date 26/ 1/05 and 15 days before L Registry said they saw it, and nothing witnessed correctly and it taken away secretly and used to gain control of my house without us knowing. L Registry would know my son was a real person because of the building society as they used my house as security, but that was signed off in NOV 2004 then to show there was no hold on my house an dto keep for that purpose, NOT to transfer it to my daughter! \My son signed a legal statement to say that he was only using that TR1 to take his name off the title so I could sell. THe Solicitor would be using a new one of course then, not this outdated form and she would witness it then as the last time! L Regs use the fact that I printed her name on the front to mean that I wanted to give her half the house and refuse to see that it didn't matter what I put on it anyway as it was not going anywhere or be used and where I had to do something or I could never move house without her help, yet all their mistakes where they transferred a very large property to two people they had never dealt with at any time, and had no ID's of them or addresses, just two names that could have been anyone , and a gift of a house from my son who never owned any h house either to these two strangers with no address or details, and no address of my son either and no idea of who owned or transferred what ! Most of the sections were not filled in at all, although there was one to inform the previous owner transferring, but it was left blank. so they couldn't have told any of us what had happened anyway! Then refused to send me any single paper they used or explanation, and knowing my sad situation are deliberately making me suffer because they can! I am sorry for all this bad writing but it has worn me out especially as I have not got over their last pile of mistakes yet, and the huge loss of money and years of misery they caused to a lot of very old and fragile owners who were unable to sell or move and all lost a huge amount of value of their homes and some died witht he stress! THey are a Law unto themselves!

  • By Guest on 28/07/2016

    I know this is a lot to read, and grateful for your time to reply as volunteers, I am just so shocked that this can happen in this country and without a lot of money ordinary people are powerless to get even basic justice, yet vast amounts spent on very small things? I am also the victim of state abuse here and so grateful for advice as to how or who can deal with it, as it can happen to anyone and where they had no control of knowledge about what was happening, and no organisation to protect or challenge these mal practices.

  • By Guest on 30/07/2016

    I am not surprised that my last report has been wiped!!!! THis s what y ou do to stop anyone finding out what you have done, and this is wrong and the fact that is not allowed to be mentioned says it all!

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