• How Do I Put My Name On The Lease Of A Property I Own 50% Of

    By Guest on 22nd Sep 2016

    my father and i bought a house together in 1989 and when he died in 2008 he left 50% to me and split his 50% between me and my brother and 3 sisters we all received 10% each but this would only happen on the death of my mother who is happily still alive ,the problem is i now want to have my name on the lease as I'm afraid there will be family dispute over the will when she passes, how would i go about doing this ,my mother has agreed that we should do this.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 21/11/2016

    You should speak to a lawyer specialising in Wills and Trusts. Essentially there needs to be as Assent by the executor of your father's will in favour of the siblings. The problem is there can only legally be a maximum of 4 legal owners, so some sort of trust would need to be created

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