• Gifting A Property

    By Guest on 21st Aug 2019

    Can it be illegal to gain a signature for gifting a property if the owner is old and frail and doesn't know what they are signing please? Doesn't any legalmperson need to be present and witness the authenticity?

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 21/08/2019

    It is not illegal to sign a document if you are old and frail. It can however be challenged if undue influence was used to force the person to sign a document, particularly if as you state they were not aware of what they were signing.

    You have not mentioned what the document is but I assume it is a transfer deed. This just requires a witness; the witness does not have to be a professional person.


  • By Guest on 21/08/2019

    Hi, thank you for answering my question. I guess it would bee
    Be extremely hard to prove that this lady didnt know what she was signing and she has sadly passed away now. This seems sooooo wrong and open to malpractice. Without proif that she didnt know would you advise that there is nothing we can do? What would be the implications for us if we reported suspected fraud to the police? Jane nt kniw

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