By Guest on 19th Jan 2017

    What documents do you lodge with the FR1 form

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 31/01/2017

    This depends on what you are trying to register. You will need the conveyance/transfer to the current owner (the root conveyance), which must be at least 15 years old (though this is a given since it is more than 15 years since compulsory registration was introduced) as well as any deeds containing covenants, rights etc which are referred to in the root conveyance and any mortgage deeds or other deeds / documents protecting a third party interest. You will need a Land Charges search result against all owners from the root onward. If you are registering a transfer you will need the TR1/TP1. You'll need to list everything on a form DL. There may be other documents you need depending on the circumstances of the particular title and transaction you are registering

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