• Change Private Right Of Way Through Passage To Allow Us To Extend Downstairs

    By Guest on 06th Oct 2015

    We have a conveyance agreement wording on our deeds:Subject Nevertheless as to the said passage coloured brown on the said plan a right of way for the owners or occupiers for the time being of the neighbouring property forming Western boundary of the property hereby conveyed at all times. Can you help with where we stand. The neighbour rents it out so he's not actually using it as not living there. Plus reason for need of passage is to allow through floor lift to be fitted by the couch adaptions team. Help.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 07/10/2015

    The right of way is for the owners abd occupiers of the adjacent property. It includes the tenants as occupiers. it is regardless of usage.
    You can come in touch withe freeholder and negotiate an alternative.
    You are likely to have yo pay some conpensation to your neighbour plus his legal fees.

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