• Can My Stepson Sell My Home

    By Guest on 04th Nov 2016

    After my husband died, my stepson inherited his half of our joint marital home through his will. He has put the property on the market but his name is not on the title deeds and I still pay the mortgage. Has he got the right to this? He is also the executor of the will. Thank you

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 07/11/2016

    Assuming you are on the deeds then no he cannot, unless he gets an order for sale from the Court. Irrespective of whether you snd your husband owned the property as joint tenants or tenants in common, the legal estate - and therefore the right to sell the property, passed to you alone on the death of your husband. It sounds like you hold the property on trust for yourself and your stepson so it is possible he could force a sale through the Courts but at present any transfer deed he purports to sign will not be valid

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