• Can I Overturn A TP1 Form? Private Owner Required To Pay Housing Association Service Fee - Only Private Owner In The Road Paying

    By Guest on 06th Jul 2023

    We purchased our property 5 years ago and during the purchase I noticed we were required to pay a service fee to the local housing association. When I queried this our solicitor advised not to raise a query as it could cost us the house sale.

    We reluctantly accepted it but I want to know if this can be overturned.

    The previous owner purchased the property from the housing assocation and the service fee for upkeep of a green that is located opposite our house (and across the road), the rear access to our property (and 7 others), and the road in which our house sits on.

    The lawn will get cut but the roads have not been tended to for years, I have chased this and some minor work was undertaken.

    However, it since transpires there are 53 properties in our road that are HA tennants and required to pay a service charge and we are the ONLY private property required to pay. There are other private properties, but they apparently purchased their property from the HA prior to service charges being implemented.

    Is it possible to overturn the terms of a TP1?

    Thank you.

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