• B4 Restriction

    By Guest on 15th Apr 2020

    Hi, I am in the process of re-mortgaging and the Land Registry search has come back with the following: B4 - (10.03.2010) RESTRICTION: No disposition by a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered unless authorised by an order of the court.
    The Conveyancing Company have said that they cannot progress further until this has been removed and left me to it. I have 'googled' and the Land Registry office have said that I can apply for this to be removed but I cannot find the correct form and don't really know what I am doing to be honest. Please can someone advise me? Many Thanks

  • 3 Answers

    By Guest on 15/04/2020

    PS. I have only ever been the 'mortgagee' on this property, I have never had anyone else on the mortgage.

  • By NotaryExpress on 16/04/2020

    Which conveyancing company is it? Many firms have headline prices but charge extra or refuse to deal with anything beyond the minimum possible. At Notary Express we, for example, would deal with its removal free of charge as part of the conveyancing process.

    You will need Form RX3 or RX4 depending who is going to sign it and then submit it to HM Land Registry. There is no fee. Form RX3 can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cancel-a-restriction-registration-rx3


  • By Guest on 09/11/2020

    Is it as simple as submitting those forms to LR and removing it? How long does that take? I am not sure what to write on the forms.

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