• Assent And Transfer Of Ownership

    By Guest on 11th Jun 2019

    I have the letters of Administration with a property past to me and my sister through intestacy.

    I wish to be Tenants in Common with my Sister and Wife. 50:25:25 the property is not mortgaged

    Do I fill out an AS1 to Assent the property and an AP1 to change the title to my sister 50:50; then separately fill out a TR1 and again an AP1 to gift my Wife half of my share or can I perform this in a more efficient way.

    Being an AS1 and TR1 referenced in one AP1;
    Or to include my wife as a beneficiary on the AS1 and named in AP1

    Thanks in advance.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 12/06/2019

    That's an interesting question. An AS1 is for a transfer from the deceased to beneficiaries, though arguably your wife is not a beneficiary. A TR1 is usually for a sale but can be used for a transfer at nil value. In practice I suspect HMLR would accept either but I'd probably recommend just using a TR1 for a transfer straight from executors to yourself, sister and wife.


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