• Ap1 Emergency Form

    By Guest on 15th May 2020

    how many days the land register will take to change my name in the deeds

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 16/05/2020

    There is no emergency form for an AP1, just a standard AP1.

    Prior to lockdown, HM Land Registry (HMLR) was taking about 1 month to process a transfer of whole (TR1) and about 8 months to process a transfer of part (TP1) and new lease or lease renewal.

    Since lockdown I'm not sure how long HMLR will take as it is too early to say, but I expect they will take much longer.

    If it is urgent you can lodge a request to expedite the application. You need to lodge evidence of hardship caused by the non-registration, for example a letter from the lender saying they will not lend on the property until registration completes. HMLR may then expedite at its discretion.

    Prior to lockdown, an application to expedite would cut the time for processing a TR1 to about 2 weeks and a TP1/lease to about a month or a month and a half. Since lockdown again it's too early to tell how quickly they would process an expedited application.


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