• TP! Execution Box 13

    By Guest on 19th Jun 2019

    My neighbour is selling a very small piece of his garden which adjoins mine for minimal sum and the TP1 has been returned as incorrect but we canot see why and they do not explain. He and his daughter have POA as his wife is in a home wkith dementia. A certified copy of POA was forwarded with AP1 and TP1, signed by him with (and on behalf of xxx under POA enclosed) under his signature and name. The same by his daughter. I then signed as there are covenants. beneath this the witness signed, name and address. (the witness to signatures was my daughter) and it was stated she witnessed all signatures. We cannot see what is returned and now it has been cancelled and we m ust resubmitt but need to get this right !

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 20/06/2019

    Call them and ask them

  • By Guest on 20/06/2019

    Yes, call HM Land Registry and ask.

    Alternatively if you hire a conveyancer they will ensure the application is submitted correctly.


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