• Mortgage Repayment And Ownership Transfer

    By Guest on 22nd Jun 2020

    I own a house in my name. Value of house is £310k and outstanding mortgage is £160k. My wife lives in the house with me and she completes the sale of her house in 4 days. We wish to use some of the net proceeds from her sale to pay off the mortgage on my house in its entirety. We also wish my house to be transferred to joint ownership where both and wife and I will be owners. What is the correct route to approach this?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 23/06/2020

    Option 1 (recommended) - Hire a conveyancer e.g. Notary Express (contact@notaryexpress.co.uk). This will cost about £300-£400 to get everything done.

    Option 2 (DIY) - Forms ID1, AP1, TR1 and a bit of patience. This will cost about £200-£300 but is not recommended if you want to make sure it is all done properly.


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