• How To Delete An Old Under Lease From A Freehold Title Absolute

    By Guest on 19th Jul 2020

    My freehold title absolute has an old underlease which should have been removed when the freehold was bought in 1965 when the lease was merged into the freehold title.The land registry will not delete it the tenant of 1942 died years ago and it has been lived in by the freehold owners since 1965. Should the @Underlease not have been merged along with the lease when the freehold was bought. I have filled in the CN1 for the land registry but they are asking all sorts of questions about when did the tenant leave? Can I contact him? Do I have any correspondence from him?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 20/07/2020

    I advise responding to all of the Land Registry's queries in the greatest detail possible. In most cases you can have a lease removed if the lease term has expired. If it has not expired then technically it devolves to the successors/beneficiaries of the deceased under their will or intestacy rules.


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