By Guest on 17th Feb 2017

    My fathers neighbour wants to gift him a small parcel of garden land that adjoins both properties.
    It is not on either properties (house and gardens) deeds.
    The parcel of garden land has its own title document. (Conveyance dated 1964)
    It is not listed on Land registry.
    It can only be accessed via the rear of my fathers and neighbours garden and is enclosed on all other sides.

    The parcel of land is only 302 sq yards
    neither my father or neighbour can afford or want the expense of going through individual solicitors and the neighbour has given my father the conveyance documents / deeds from 1964 and said they are his.
    I would like to help them by producing a simple diy conveyance document to exchange and then go on to register the parcel with land registry.

    Can you suggest how I get a template conveyance document that will fit the bill


    Ian Leafe

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 19/02/2017

    Attempting conveyancing of unregistered land on your own is risky. A better option might be for the neighbour to make an application for voluntary registration. The land registry are obliged to assist with voluntary applications. Then once the land is registered the transfer will be relatively simple. The application is form to use for registration is form FR1.

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