• Confirming Land Ownership

    By Guest on 24th Aug 2019

    There is a piece of unregistered land adjacent to part of my property where the owner cannot be found. On my deeds (1874) it shows this: All that messuage (then used as a butchers shop and dwellinghouse) situate in and having frontage to king street and duke street in sutton in ashfield aforesaid with the yard and outbuildings to the same belonging in the occupation of Elizabeth castle clarke.
    I dont think there was a yard on the property and in the past the piece of unregistered land has been referred to as "butchers yard" and "shepherds yard". Is this enough to prove ownership or what do I need to do?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 24/08/2019

    You would need to make an application for ownership by adverse possession. You will need to show evidence that you have used it for at least 12 years, e.g. statements of truth from neighbours and yourself. It also helps if the land is enclosed e.g. if you have fenced round it and it forms part of your garden. Other evidence can be useful as well.

    These are complex applications and best done by a professional conveyancer.


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