• Removal Company Problem

    By Guest on 12th Jun 2020

    I'm in abit of dilemma and needs advise. I'm supposed to have completed my move today but the removal company rang half way and said there was a fault with the wagon and will need to deliver some other time. The problem is now I've realised I have no official contract, I've already paid by cash, still no invoice as promised, all my possessions are well...with them, the only thing I have is his telephone number and a photo of his wagon without number plate, didnt even log how many items went onto the wagon. So for sure my fault for over trusting and didnt think this will happen, but would do I do now?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 13/06/2020

    You may wish to consider calling the police to report it as a suspected theft, if that is what you suspect.

    Keep records of any communications/details you have for them. I would always advise when the removals people are loading your belongings into their vehicle, you take a photo of their number plate. If they don't have a number plate on their vehicle that's illegal and should trigger immediate alarm bells!


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