• Delayed Completion Charges

    By Guest on 28th Oct 2019

    I have had a late completion (delayed over a weekend). The reason was that the money didn’t come in from my buyer until 17:22 on the Friday afternoon. I was forced to stay in a hotel for 3 nights plus I have additional expenses from the removal company and interest I have had to pay as a result of my breach to my contract for my purchase. Does this have to be claimed back through small claims court separately to the rest of the transactions or should my solicitors take some accountability and look to recover costs on my behalf?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 29/10/2019

    Your solicitors will only have been contracted for the non-contentious purchase work, unless they said otherwise. It does not sound like they are responsible for the breach, from the facts you provide. Often they will try to assist by asking the other side to send payment, but if the other side refuse then yes a small claims court case would be in order.


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