• Your Section 6 Types Of Equity Transfer Refers To 2to1 Transfers Requiring An SDLT1

    By Guest on 10th Jun 2015

    I wish to transfer my share of equity in my wife's place of residence where we are freehold joint-tenants to her. I have never lived there with her. Land Registry website advises that where no consideration is involved SDLT1 is not required.?? What is?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 11/06/2015


    I'd have to review our document to understand the issue here (and I will) but what the Land Registry says is correct. SDLT liability is based on the actual price the remaining pays for the share (which includes half of any mortgage debt they assume liability for, so if your wife isn't paying you any money and the outstanding mortgage (if any) is less than £80,000 then no SDLT1 needs to be submitted and no SDLT5 is required to support the application to Land Registry

    Best regards


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