• What Documents Do I Need To Submit With The TP1

    By Guest on 26th Oct 2016

    I am splitting the title of an investment property after building another property in the garden of the original house. At the moment the original property has no mortgage on it and before I can get a mortgage the lender requires the titles to be split. I know I need to use form TP1 from the land registry but do not know what other documents I need (ordnance map etc). Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 29/10/2016

    You don't necessarily need to use a TP1. You can make an application to split the title by using form AP1 and two plans outlining both plots. You'll need form ID1 as well as evidence of your identity.

  • By Guest on 02/11/2016

    Thanks for the reply...don't I need to use the AP1 (application) and the TP1 (part transfer), along with 2 plans? Also, will the land registry split title where both titles remain in the same persons name? i.e. my name is on the original title and I want the new title in my name aswell.

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