• Transfer A Property As Gift

    By Guest on 18th Feb 2016

    Dear sir or madam, I plan to transfer a house (no mortgage) I own to my cousin who is not UK resident as a gift. Is that possible and how much tax and fee I or she needs to pay? Do you provide such services? Thanks for your help.

  • 3 Answers

    By Guest on 18/02/2016

    Privided you don't have a mortgage on the property then there is no reason you can't do this. There wouldn't be any tax to pay. If you would like a quote for legal fees you can visit http://freeconveyancingadvice.co.uk/quote/conveyancing-quote

  • By Guest on 18/02/2016

    Privided you don't have a mortgage on the property then there is no reason you can't do this. There wouldn't be any tax to pay. If you would like a quote for legal fees you can visit http://freeconveyancingadvice.co.uk/quote/conveyancing-quote

  • By Guest on 18/02/2016

    Privided you don't have a mortgage on the property then there is no reason you can't do this. There wouldn't be any tax to pay. If you would like a quote for legal fees you can visit http://freeconveyancingadvice.co.uk/quote/conveyancing-quote

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