• Signing A TR1 Form

    By Guest on 11th Oct 2019

    Hello, could you please tell me if I should sign a TR1 form that my solicitor asked me to sign and send back to solicitor, even though the completion contract is is not ready, no deposit or payment had been put in place, I'm just concerned about signing this TR1 form before I have signed the main completion of sell contract, is this correct and legally safe to do and normal procedure, thank you

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 12/10/2019

    It is not unusual what your solicitor is asking. He/she makes everything ready for completion which frequently is together with the exchange of contracts nowadays

  • By Guest on 12/10/2019

    Yes, you would normally sign and return contracts/transfers to your lawyer as soon as possible, to avoid delay later. Signing the document does not mean you have completed or parted with the land. It's only when it is dated and formally exchanged/completed that takes place - and that's at your express instruction.


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