• My Sister Was On The Feeds

    By Guest on 08th Aug 2020

    M’y Mum required someone on her deeds at the time of purchase . My sister is on the deeds but I am not. Will says 50/50 if my sister dies does this go to her family ?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 09/08/2020

    It is good to feed at least 3 times a day.

    First, check if the property is owned as Joint Tenants or as Tenants In Common. If the former then when your mother dies, your sister will receive all of the property.

    If the latter, then when your mother dies her will takes effect regarding her share only. If your sister already owns 50% and your mother transfers her 50% share to you and your sister then at the end you will have 25% and she will have 75%.

    If your mother intends to leave you 50% each I would recommend she serve notice of severance if she is a joint tenant, and then put in her will that you should receive 100% of her share of the property.


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