• Developers And Boundaries

    By Guest on 12th Jun 2016

    developers gifted us some land, two years later they want it back, what is my legal rights - they never deeded the land, they fenced it off for us, but now they are completing their development, they have decided that the boundary fence is in the wrong place and want to move one meter in. We only have e-mail correspondence and minutes from community meetings, plus verbal promises.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 04/07/2016

    If they haven't provided you with a transfer deed and you haven't paid money for the land then you probably can't do anything about it. Your only hope might be if you done something in reliance on the promise which means you would suffer a loss if you lost the land, such as built on it or leased it out, in which case the developer might be estopped from reclaiming it, but even then it's unlikely.

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