• Deeds And Capacity Of Leasholder To Make Decisions.

    By Guest on 28th Jan 2019

    My Elderly parents own a flat which is run by an external managing company. One of the leaseholders in the block represents all leasholders in his negotiations with the managing agent. Howeverbut his services are due to stop when he sells his flat shortly. We rea being told that for the managing agent to take on this role the cost will be excessive. They have asked for volunteers. My father has Dementia and is not capable of taking on the role and my mother is too old. Is there a way either myself or my brother take on the role which would help reduce the cost for all leaseholders as well as having a stake in decision making? I know adding ourselves to the deeds causes all sorts of problems but wondered if thre was something that would cover us for such a role?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 29/01/2019

    The freeholder (landlord) can appoint anyone he wishes to act as managing agent for the property (providing it is reasonable for him as landlord to do so and he does not feel it would cause him any problems with the tenants).


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