• Change Titles In Land Registry

    By Guest on 09th Dec 2016

    I am separating with my partner(not married). We have 2 children and currently live with him. But my partner has got one more house and he would like to give this second home (which is Buy to let and in mortgage) for me and 2 children. He would like to keep mortgage on his name (as I do not have income) but make changes in property title buy adding my name and remove his name. Other option is to keep his name but add mine. Is that possible? 2) Can he give this house as a gift for my name. Any other options? Thank you

  • 4 Answers

    By Guest on 21/12/2016

    He won't be able to transfer the property into just your name without paying of the mortgage. With the consent of the mortgage lender he can transfer it into joint names. You could also enter into a trust arrangement whereby he retains ownership of the legal title but agrees to hold the equity (the value of the property minus any outstanding mortgage) on trust for you and possibly your children. It is worth speaking to a trust lawyer to work out the easiest and most tax efficient way to proceed

  • By Guest on 22/12/2016

    Thank you! But after making transfer into joint names and trust between us can I and my children live in this house legally?

  • By Guest on 23/12/2016

    Yes but in future if he decided he wanted to sell he could approach the court and ask them to grant an order forcing you to join in a sale and then when the property is sold you would have to leave

  • By Guest on 23/12/2016

    Thank you very much!

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