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    By Guest on 09th Jul 2020

    If a single plot is subdivided into several houses all next to each other with the same postcode, does each purchase need to get separate searches if a single solicitor/conveyancer is working on the purchases (although for different end clients)? Can they not just do the searches once and re-use the results?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 10/07/2020

    It depends on who needs the searches. If it's the buyer, then it's the buyer's decision if they want to take the risk. If it's the lender, then it's the conveyancer's decision in accordance with the CML guidelines and lender requirements (i.e. they will be obliged not to take any risks). If it's the lender's lawyer, if the lender is separately represented, then it's their decision. They might accept a commercial search of the site rather than individual residential searches on each plot - ask them.


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