• Shared Ownership - Do I Have A Tenants In Common Agreement?

    By Guest on 14th Apr 2020

    I own a 50% share of a property along with 50% owned by a housing association. How can I find out if I have a 'tenants in common' agreement with them, please? My lease doesn't seem to detail anything about this and when asking the housing association, they just tell me to refer to legal advice instead of answering the question.

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 15/04/2020

    Normally you have a leasehold with them as the freeholder. So you own separate titles and joint tenants / tenants in common is not relevant. Check entry B1 of the title register and you will just see your name there, reflecting that you own the leasehold in your own name and not jointly with them. Likewise, just their name will be on the freehold title.


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