• Property Infomation Form

    By Guest on 27th Jan 2017

    I have recently bought a house and had a Solicitor to do all the searches. However the property infomation form I received from the Solictor before purchase, lacked alot of infomation to the form I recieved after the purchase from the soilictor. This is with regards a communal parking bay at the end of the garden which we thought was ours until it was pointed out by a neighbour that there had been an ongoing dispute and the police involved over it. Where do I stand as I feel this could later effect the sale and price of the property.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 28/01/2017

    What made you think the parking bay was yours and what advice did your solicitor give you about ownership of it? Did you raise the question with your solicitor? Did the property information form you received after completion differ from the one you received before exchange and did either state that the parking bay wasn't yours?

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