• Where Do I Stand

    By Guest on 28th Jan 2020

    I have planning permission and employed a private building reg company. When the builder finished we found he hadn’t got the stages approved?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 29/01/2020

    Aside from pursuing the building company in the courts, for which you should take independent legal advice, dealing with the breach you have 3 main options: 1. Ignore the breach and hope the local council never realises or takes enforcement action; 2. Contact the local council to ask for retrospective consent - this has the risk that they either refuse or require remedial action at your cost; it also takes some time (usually a couple of months) and carries a cost (usually about £400); or 3. Purchase an indemnity policy which provides cover against the risk of enforcement action. This can only be done if you have not approached the council and is a lower cost (usually about £150). It's not retrospective consent, just insurance against enforcement. This policy is usually acceptable to a future buyer. 

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