• Restrictive Covenants In Title Deed

    By Guest on 13th Aug 2016

    what does the following mean "no building shall be erected until the plans and elevations thereof have been submitted to the vendor or his surveyor? We have just bought a property and want to get planning permission to build and I noticed the sentence on the Title Deed

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 17/08/2016

    It means that you should get consent from the person who imposed the covenant (not necessarily the person who sold to you, it could be an earlier seller) before building on the land. If you don't get consent and the person with the benefit of the covenant (which could now be your neighbours, it depends on the wording of the covenant and what land the "vendor" owned at the time) objects they could get an injunction to stop you building or to remove any structure you have built already

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