• Old House, New Regs

    By Guest on 04th Mar 2019

    I have this morning had my house valued (too secure new fixed rate mortage) the orginal house is 1899 with an extension built in 1974. The house was sold as a 5 bedroom and is mortaged as such. However, to access one of the bedrooms (in the 74 extension) you have to pass through the Master Bedroom. We use this room as a dressing room now. The Surveyor this morning said he could only value it as a 4 bedroom house as the bedroom does not comply with current building regs. As this was built in the 70s I am sure we would not have to comply with current regs until such time that we carried out any alterations. Is this the case or is the surveyor correct?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 05/03/2019

    I am a legal adviser and matters of valuation/surveying are not within my knowledge. From a practical perspective it sounds like that room is not in fact used as a bedroom and I personally would agree with the surveyor, but this is not a legal opinion. I would advise consulting another surveyor for a professional second opinion.


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