• New Windows

    By Guest on 22nd Jun 2020

    WE would like to replace our windows with cream instead of the brown that we have. we have been told we dont need planning and can replace like for like. our neighbour said we have to have brown and keep the lead. |We wanted clear glass. ?

  • 3 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 23/06/2020

    1. Check the property deeds to ensure there are no restrictive covenants preventing the alteration or requiring consent for such.

    2. Is your property a listed building? You would require listed building consent if so.

    3. Are you in a conservation area? Check with the local council if uncertain. You may require permission from them if so.

    4. Window replacement does not normally require planning permission but does require building regulations. Check your installer is FENSA-registered and they will be able to advise you if building regulations are required.


  • By Guest on 23/06/2020

    HI thanks for your help.
    We are not in a conservation area
    We have been told by the council the PD rights have been withdrawn but the solicitor advised us they have not? Most houses on our road have had extensions and none of them show online. ?
    There is nothing that states the windows .
    We are not listed.
    Just dont want to order the windows to be told differently
    The council just said like for like. I have asked for more clarity.

  • By Guest on 23/06/2020

    the council have replied to say we don’t need planning just said they should be similar. i need the clarity can i change the colour
    it feels like they won’t take ownership for it. there is nothing in the deeds to suggest we can’t do it.

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