• Neighbour Has Asked For Building Completion Certificate

    By Guest on 16th Sep 2019

    Hi there,

    I had a garage conversion completed a few years ago. Since then my neighbour has persistently asked me for a copy of the completion certificate (they are obviously not happy with the way it looks).

    The works were done through the proper channels i.e. a building notice was applied for, regular inspections from building control were conducted and a completion certificate was provided on completion.

    My question is whether it is ok for me to provide her with a copy of the certificate or should they go through a different route to acquire this information?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 17/09/2019

    You are not legally obliged to supply it. In most cases they will not be able to obtain a copy through building control (unlike planning permission which is available to the public).

    Ultimately it comes down to do you want to give them a copy? Will it help you in terms of keeping them amicable and getting on with them? There is not usually any harm in giving them a copy (unless you think they are intending to check it to see if they can find some evidence of non-compliance but most building regulations completion certificates are usually brief one-liners that the work has been completed).


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