• Lawful Development Certificate

    By Guest on 21st May 2019

    Built an extension under permitted development, signed off 1 month ago, selling house and solicitor want a lawful development certificate which we don't have. Can we get indemnity insurance for this

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 21/05/2019

    If it was permitted development you do not need a lawful development certificate.

    If the buyer insists then (assuming you don't want to call his bluff) you can either obtain a lawful development certificate or indemnity policy (if the buyer will accept this). Most indemnities require a period of 3-12 months to have passed since the development though, so check with an insurance broker such as Express Insure on 03333 122 221 to see if you would be able to obtain a Planning Permission indemnity for works completed 1 month ago.


  • By Guest on 21/05/2019

    Thanks for the information, I will try them. It is permitted development the plans were drawn to ensure we stayed within those limits.The buyers solicitor is telling the buyers that we must produce the certificate and now has told our solicitor that when he tells the lender we don't have a lawful development certificate they will almost certainly not accept this and there is a possibility the lender will instruct them not to lend.

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