• What Type Of Idemnity Insurance For Lack Of Colored Plan

    By Guest on 21st Jul 2015

    The buyer's solicitor have asked me to pay for indemnity insurance for lack of having a colored copy of the plans. The only copy of the plan which the Land registry has provided in not colored and clearly shows boundaries etc, however the buyer's solicitors want the insurance in place before completion. May I ask what is the type of the insurance that needs to be in place? They said "missing document" but the document is not missing, it's there, it's just not colored. Thanks

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 18/08/2015

    It depends what the effect of the missing colouring is. If it is just that the boundaries should be edged red but the plan is black and white then there is no issue. If there is a deed which grants or reserves rights the extent ofvwhich are supposed to be identified by colouring on plan but the extent csnnot be absolutely confirmed because the plan is not coloured then the issue is absence if easement/unknown easements and this is what the insurance should cover.

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