• Query On Part Of The Garden

    By Guest on 30th Nov 2017

    Hi, we are about to exchange on our home which we bought as a new build six years ago and it has just come to light that there is a small section of our garden that is still owned by the builders. When we purchased the house it was not highlighted to us by our solicitor and the section in question is not accessible unless the builder actually came through our house. Our current solicitor thinks this is just a clerical error and thinks we should take an indemnity out to cover any future issues thus enabling us to still exchange on the property. Please could you let me know how this would work and what the cost implications would be. We are selling the house for £480,000 and there are houses either side of our property, plus the section of garden is only around 3 metres square so nothing could be built on there. I would really appreciate your prompt response so we can put this in place as a matter of urgency. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Sue Hall

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 01/12/2017

    Just listen to your solicitor and take a indemnity insurance for a few hundred pounds. In the unlikely event that future owners raise a complaint and ask for damages the insurance will pay and you have nothing to worry about. Indemnity insurance is a specialist's subject and your solicitor should able to arrange everything for you.

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