• Insurance Indemnity

    By Guest on 02nd Oct 2019

    I had a dropped kerb installed by a council accredited builder who said he would undertake all the council permissions. I trusted him and it turns out he did the work without it.I spoke to other ground work and accredited people and most said the council will probable never be aware. we have sold the house and the question about it never came up. Can I ask my solicitor now to takeout Insurance for it without informing the buyer as we have exchanged contracts.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 03/10/2019

    If you have sold the house, you presumably don't need the insurance. It's now at the buyer's risk.

    Make sure you were honest in answering the questions on the property information form and other enquiries, for example there is usually a query about building works and so forth where presumably the work would have been disclosed to the buyer. Take advice from your conveyancer.


  • By Guest on 03/10/2019

    We still own the house as we have not exchanged contracts. The question of any works were to the house. this problem was not in or on the house but on the pavement and road which we do not own. I believe if we take out the indemnity insurance it will apply to the problem permanently whoever owns the house.We apparently could have taken this out at any time. My question is can I ask an independant solicitor to take this insurance out for me.

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