• Indemnity Insurance

    By Guest on 07th Dec 2020

    we are trying to sell ou house, but teh buyer is asking for an idemnity isnurence for the sheds we ahve at the bottom of the graden. Our deeds written in 1923 state that no hut or caravan can be sited on the land. No house shall be built for disrepute or for sale of liquor. We have a shed at the bottom of the garden which has been in the location since we moved in 20 yrs ago and a pool house which is 10 years old. Do we need indemnity insurance w=and where can I get one from.

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 08/12/2020

    Your conveyancer will source it for you from First Title or another indemnity provider. While indemnity insurance is not "necessary" it is often requested due to a breach, even if the chances of enforcement in the circumstances you describe are virtually nil.


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