• Indemnity For Laminate As Opposed To Carpet

    By Guest on 20th Jul 2016

    I am in the process of buying a flat. My solicitor is refusing to continue with my purchase unless I take out an indemnity policy, as the current owner laid wood flooring in one room, without telling the landlord. This solicitor will charge £150 for putting the policy in place,plus the fee for the policy. I will be removing the laminate in any case, so see that this is a waste of £250. Is there anything that can I do?

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 21/07/2016

    I imagine you are buying with a mortgage. If so your solicitor is presumably concerned about his duty to the lender - if you don't replace the flooring and the landlord takes enforcement action resulting in forfeiture (an extreme scenario but not impossible) then the solicitor will be liable to your lender. You could suggest that the seller's solicitor (who might not charge an arrangement fee, not all firms do) put's the policy on risk at your expense. This could save you £150.

  • By Guest on 03/11/2020

    Any hints as to who provided this policy for you?

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