• Chancery Liability

    By Guest on 15th Jun 2021

    Asking for a worried relative. Deceased husband handled purchase of a house in 2005, during the searches it was discovered the land previously belonged to the church and there maybe a liability for repairs and he was advised to take out indemnity insurance. There is no record of the conveyancers or who handled the sale. Property next door is being sold and new purchaser's solicitor advises that 9 properties are liable for repairs of £30,000 each, none of the current owner have been informed. How do we go about finding where this insurance policy is and will it be enforceable. Thank you, a young widow and two teenagers are extremely anxious

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 16/06/2021

    You need to speak to a solicitor to check your title deeds and take out insurance ASAP.

  • By Guest on 16/06/2021

    Will the title deeds note the indemnity insurance which was taken out in 2005? We are already working on getting title deeds.

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