• Underlet Only By Assignment,so As A Freeholder Can I Put A Stop To Leaseholder Renting Out To Anyone

    By Guest on 07th Feb 2020

    Hi there,i bought a downstairs freehold flat 5 yrs ago.Took me two years to know the owner of upstairs owns the upstairs flat.They refuse to communicate with me,ive had nothing off them and ive suffered with bad damp.She keeps saying a friend wants to buy it but nothing.So after my son took his own life because of all this,i mentioned about selling the freehold,she text to say she might want to buy it and someone might want to buy my flat.Anyway it shows she is playing games.I left a couple of notes about problems,damage fences etc,u was told one more letter they would sue me,so I did mention im the freeholder etc,i then got a very long letter and text after I didn't treply to her about wanting the freehold,it medntioned that im not allowed to speak the her tenants and only reasons I haven't been to a solicitor im so frightened.My parents who was so kind to her are now have dementia.Anyway I need to know what not to underlet or pass possession only by assignment of the whole property,im desperate for advice

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 08/02/2020

    If you are the freeholder, get a copy of the Lease to the upstairs flat and read it. It should state the rights and the obligations of both the parties.

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