• Still Named Leaseholder On Sold Property

    By Guest on 11th Jan 2017

    Hi, I recently sold my leasehold flat on 1st November. The lease is via the Right to Buy scheme of the local council. I had to pay my conveyancer an upfront fee to transfer the lease of around £200 which I paid. The sale was completed on 1st November and I purchased a house. I noticed that the direct debit for maintenance fees was still coming out so I've paid 3 months worth (approx. £30 per month). I cancelled the direct debit and contacted the council for a refund. They have said that they have not received a notice of transfer from the buying solicitor therefore have not transfered the property in their eyes. I have contacted my solicitors to ask they chase as I don't have any contact info for the buying side. Is this normal? And where do I stand legally in this circumstance, am I responsible for keeping up payments on the maintenance even though I have sold the property?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 23/02/2017

    No you are not responsible. The buyer has a duty to both you and the landlord to serve notice promptly, usually within 28 days of completion. As for what you have overpaid, get your solicitor to provide evidence (an email will probably do) that you have sold the property and the date of completion and the council may provide a refund. If not you may have to pursue the buyer

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