• Stamp Duty

    By Guest on 29th Oct 2019

    I initially bought my property on a shared ownership basis of 25%. The value of the property was £127000. I then purchased a further 2 quarter shares now owning 75%. I now want to purchase the final share however I cannot work out how much the stamp duty would be please. This is my first and only house. Thank you

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 30/10/2019

    It's a complicated calculation and depends on what you have paid to date, what you opted for initially (market value or just share purchased) but your conveyancer will do the calculation for you. If you want to double check the calculation you can follow the HMRC guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sdlt-shared-ownership-property

  • By Guest on 30/10/2019

    It's a complicated calculation and depends on what you have paid to date, what you opted for initially (market value or just share purchased) but your conveyancer will do the calculation for you. If you want to double check the calculation you can follow the HMRC guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/sdlt-shared-ownership-property


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