• Planning Application/permission To Alter.

    By Guest on 19th Feb 2020

    Hi there. I'm currently in the process of negotiations for the purchase of a freehold so that I may be able to (with the joint authority of my fellow lessees) be able to perform some alterations on my flat. One of the lessees is stipulating that in order for my planning application to be approved the freeholder has to 'notify the lessees that have a vested interest'. My application has already been approved and I am getting the sense that they are not citing a real regulation? Does this have any basis in law from your perspective?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 19/02/2020

    Check the title documents as they could be referring to a restrictive covenant on the title or in the lease requiring third party consent. Alongside Planning Permission, Building Regulations and Listed Building Consent which are from the relevant government authorities, you can have private restrictions/conditions in the deeds requiring private consent from a third party. 

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