• Landlord Fees For Selling Leasehold Flat Over £2000, Are They All Necessary And Legal?

    By Guest on 28th Aug 2020

    My landlord (housing association) has listed fees of over £2000 for me to sell my flat. Please can you tell me if they are all necessary and if they can charge that much?
    - If Network Homes is the managing agent, please note that our Sales Management Packs, Solicitors
    Enquires etc = £200.00 excl. VAT. This charge may not be applicable if there is a managing agent as
    their fees may differ.
    - Notice of Transfer & Charge = £80.00 incl. VAT
    - Notice of Transfer = £40.00 incl. VAT
    - Notice of Mortgage =£40.00 incl. VAT
    - Certificate of Compliance £40.00 incl. VAT – This will be provided once the Notice is executed. Please
    provide details of the relevant sections of the title and lease.
    - Deed of Covenant = £100 excl. VAT – Please provide the deed for execution
    - Deed of Postponement = £40.00 incl. VAT
    - Licence to Assign =£200 excl. VAT
    - Network Deed of Variation = £750 excl. VAT. If solicitor drafts £500 excl. VAT
    - Licence to Alter = £300 excl. VAT
    - Copy of Lease = £30 incl. VAT

  • 2 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 28/08/2020

    That all seems very reasonable. It sounds like it's not just a straightforward transfer but you're also asking for a deed of variation to the lease, licence for alterations and additional items beyond the sale pack and notice of assignment.

    Bear in mind the buyer usually pays for the notices and you can obtain a copy of the lease at HM Land Registry for £3 if they have it, or from the solicitor who acted on your purchase.


  • By Guest on 31/08/2020

    thanks for that. It is a straight forward sale and i haven't asked for a deed of variation to the lease or any of the additional items.

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