• Incorrect Postal Address Shown On Lease

    By Guest on 27th Mar 2019

    I am the leaseholder of a flat in a block of flats built in the last 25 years on the corner of two roads, ‘X’ and ‘Y’. The register of Freehold title shows an address and postcode in road ‘X’, this being the address and postcode before the flats were built. The register of Leasehold title shows the correct current address and postcode, including the name of the block of flats, in road ‘Y’. However, the address shown on the lease is the previous one, in road ‘X’, although this does also include the name of the block of flats, the correct address of which is in road ‘Y’. Could you advise me whether this situation could lead to any problems, please, and if so whether there is anything I, the landlord or the management company should do to rectify the position? Many thanks.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 29/03/2019

    Buyer's lawyer could query it on sale. You can apply to HM Land Registry to correct the addresses on the titles.


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