• Ground Rent Change Of Name In Leasehold Following Death

    By Guest on 10th Dec 2016

    My father passed away in June there was no probate as his total possessions were under the required level the mortgage and deeds for the house were in joint names but the leasehold was only in my dads name what does mum need to do to transfer it into her name she has continued to pay the ground rent since he died.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 11/12/2016


    I'm not sure what you mean by "the mortgage and deeds for the house were is joint names but the leasehold was only in your dad's name" - that's a bit of a contradiction. If the property is leasehold then this means that the deeds are only in your dad's name and probate should be obtained so that the property can be transferred to your mum (unless of course your dad's will has left it to someone else).

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