• Conservatory

    By Guest on 23rd May 2019

    I have bought a bungalow which had a conservatory added 9 years before I purchased ,,the property is leasehold and nobody told the landlord and asked permission what are the implications for me?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 24/05/2019

    Check the lease to see if it is a breach. If not, then no concern.

    If it is a breach, then the risk is that the landlord takes enforcement action. Your options are usually:

    1. Obtain a breach of lease indemnity policy (this provides financial recompense in the event of enforcement);
    2. Ask the landlord for retrospective consent (but this risks alerting the landlord and him taking enforcement action); or
    3. Ignore the issue and hope landlord does not find out.


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